"... You do what you can do ..." / Work and workers
Non-Dominant Hand Tiny Mandala #28 of 50, done using various ink pens and colored pencils on 4 x 4 inch high-quality printmaking paper
A worker.
Work; job.
Gardener With Ideas (1984):
Woman with Hands Full (1986):
Mandala #28 from the Fearless and Asymmetrical Mandala Series: Family Alchemy (2017):
“You do what you can. What you'd done may do more than you can imagine for generations to come. You plant a seed and a tree grows from it; will there be fruit, shade, habitat for birds, more seeds, a forest, wood to build a cradle or a house? You don't know. A tree can live much longer than you. So will an idea, and sometimes the changes that result from accepting that new idea about what is true, or right, just might remake the world. You do what you can do; you do your best; what what you do does is not up to you.”
― Rebecca Solnit, Call Them by Their True Names: American Crises
Thank you everyone for your presence and witness here. It is deeply appreciated.